Monday, March 7, 2011

Monday night...we are home

Friends, long day, but we are home. I have mixed emotions. I'm not saying that I wanted to stay in the hospital, but I'm also not excited to be home with the NG tube. Luckily, Mike's comfort level with all this is a lot higher than mine.

She is still incredibly uncomfortable with the tube in her throat, so no luck with any soft foods today. PLEASE pray that she will try tomorrow. It's such a tricky situation. UVA said that many kids don't feel comfortable eating with the tube, but then they want her to eat to take the tube out...what do you do? We need to pray that she will at least be willing to try soft things!

Please pray for wisdom on when the tube should come out...too soon, and maybe she won't get strong enough, too long and maybe she won't try to eat when it comes out. They will not keep the tube in the same side of the nose longer than 7-10 days, so basically we're looking at Friday or Monday...Monday, could I ever make it that long? Then, if she won't eat, they would put one in the other side for the same length of time. Then the dtrs said it becomes the "law of diminishing returns" and they won't keep going back and forth and then our next avenue is a feeding tube straight to the stomach, a G-tube...I pray that it would never come to this!!!

People ask...what's hardest? The fact that she moans all the time, perhaps as a coping mechanism, and that she doesn't speak at all anymore, either because of the discomfort of the tube or simply because she is sick of all this, I would be guess is that it is a combination of both.

The constant intensity of this situation is beyond words...your prayers are what is sustaining us,

Mary and Todd...thanks for your encouragement today:)

Happy, Happy Birthday to my Mom today...sorry that we can't be with you to celebrate!

Please continue to pray for our roommate, the six week old precious baby boy with spina bifida. We had great conversation throughout the morning with his mother!


  1. We love you Lori, Mike, Brittany, Cooper and Ashley. Praying...

    Steph, Bill, Lucy and Maggie

  2. Dear Lori,
    We don't know one another, but I am a friend of Tessa's, and she asked me to pray for Ashley and your family. Our daughters are in the same science class at co-op. I wanted to share with you that my daughter, Cora, is praying nightly for Ashley. We are privileged to lift you before the throne of grace and ask for His healing, His comfort, and His peace as you go through this tremendous trial. I also ask for great strength for your mama's heart to endure this.
    In Christ's love,
    Casey Houseworth
